Authentic Trust Based Horsemanship & Clinics
Welcome to True West Horsemanship LLC! Ben Longwell, originally from Colorado, USA worked both in the States and in the diverse New Zealand equine industry as a full time horseman and clinician, before moving back to USA in 2022 and is now settled near Pendleton, Oregon.
Working with a wide variety of breeds & equine disciplines, plus a passion for truly understanding the horse and the tradition of the Vaquero Bridlehorse, has given Ben a solid versatile foundation in the equine world and has been the base for teaching better horsemanship and helping build stronger partnerships between horse & rider.
Ben is available to teach a variety of clinics worldwide which can suit different skill levels and interests. Participants love Ben’s knowledgeable, positive and quiet approach to teaching them. Where leaving egos behind and focusing on the horse results in true progress and a great learning environment.

Our Mission is to advance and develop practical skills and communication for the dedicated student of horsemanship, to help them and their horses achieve more together.

Different clinics are available worldwide to suit a variety of skills and interests. Topics include Horsemanship, Problem Solving, On The Trail Horsemanship, Ranch Adventure, Cattleworking Clinics and more.

The Remuda
Our Horsemanship Community, The Remuda, is a private close-knit group of dedicated horse owners focused on improving both their practical skills and the working partnership with their horse with full access to our incredible Online Video Library

Horsemanship Ranch Adventure
Week long clinic based on a working ranch or station, advancing practical equine communication and horsemanship skills while being involved with daily ranch operations such as working cattle horseback.

Private Contracts
These are intense educational weeks where Ben works exclusively with clients & their horses at their property. These weeks are customized to suit the clients goals for horses or themselves.

Horse Training
Natural trust based horsemanship training and ranch horse development to prepare every horse we work with to have a solid foundation no matter what equine discipline they will be involved in.
Learn more about who we are and what we do:
Ben, who was born & raised in Colorado, USA, is the horse trainer & clinician for True West Horsemanship LLC.
Our horsemanship community, The Remuda, is an amazing resource containing a wide variety of teaching videos and an online community of positive discussion & sharing, where we build friendships and help encourage and support each other on our horse journeys. For a low monthly subscription it is convenient and available to view anywhere in the world.